Week #4 Poses – Musen

Approx. 15min to draw.
From my perspective, i consider concern is action and reaction. There should be more than one persons to express concern. Hence, I draw 4 scenario. 

Week #4 Poses – Sandy Yoon

Poses Week#4- Concern and Concerned Surprised

Drawing time: 20 Minutes

Week # 3 Poses Tian Xie

  • Assignment:  Devastation Poses
  • Approx. 1 hour to draw.

Week #3 Poses- Devastation + Hysterical Devastation

1) Assignment: Drawing Poses “Devastation + Hysterical Devastation”.

2) Time: .45 min-1hr, researching reference images took most of my time.

Week #3 Poses – Sandy Yoon

Week #3 Poses – Musen

  • descriptive word: DEVASTATION
  • descriptive word pair: HYSTERICAL DEVASTATION

Week # 2 Poses Tian

  • Assignment:  Exhaustion Poses
  • Approx. 0.5 hours to draw.
  • Exhaustion – Falling down, sleeping, crying, losing one’s spirits, illness/sadness. It is hard to catch the emotional thing deep inside. So it is hard to represent those poses.

Week # 1 Poses Tian

  • Assignment: Excitement Poses
  • Approx. 0.5 hours to draw.
  • Excitement – dancing, jumping, cheering. I find it is hard to grip the body proportion, especially in moving process. To represent body language is interesting and so useful to catch the points to improve my drawing.

Week #2 Poses – Musen

Approx. 15 mins to draw.
 EXHAUSTION – tired, sadness, losing energy, headache, free style sleeping…etc.

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