Ben Riley – Final

A two minute animation? What was I thinking? In the end, I realize that I probably bit off way more than I could chew here– it would have been much better to make a really good 30-45 second animation (say, starting off when the envoys enter the tent). Even given this horrible miscalculation, animating it in chronological order on top of that just compounded it, since the last scene– the one that’s the most important thing to happen in the entire animation– was the one animated under the most severe time crunch.

I still kind of enjoy the sassy narration text, even if it didn’t really go over that well at the crit. If the animation itself had been better, it probably could have supported it. Spoken narration would have probably worked even better, but I feel like this animation would have to be narrated by a sixtysomething British guy for the full effect.

Final Animation – Sandy Yoon

Lunchsense Presents

Live, Love, Lunch: An Office Love Story

I struggled in the beginning with the narrative of this spot. The lighthearted, playful tone of the piece is hopefully conveyed through the motion and character design, in efforts to promote the product in a cheerful and positive light.

Thank you everyone and Tracy! I thoroughly enjoyed the class and learned a lot about the principles of animation. Best of luck to everyone~

Week#14 Final project “Hear me out”

Finally, I made it. However, the time is extremely limited, I tried my best to draw as much as I can. I finished two parts of my animation. If it is possible, I do wish I can finish the rest part of my animation next semester. What’s more, I also design a CD cover to make it has a better version effect.

Based on the discussion last week, I reworked the butterflies part, just hand drawing.

Here is the final version of my animation.

From this class, I learnt lots of things about animation and softwares. I really appreciate that Tracy and my amazing classmates give me very kind critic and suggestion. Thank you so much!!!

For my animation, Special thanks to Tracy, you give me courge to do this one(hand drawing animation)  . Thank you Eddy Liu, you made this very beautiful song and free share it with me and my classmates. Thank you Sylvia Yang, as my model to help me to record video. Thanks again.


Though I had a lot of fun doing this final, it was really difficult.  From pre to post production.  I had no idea choreographing a piece that was a mash-up between martial arts and the ballet was going to be complicated.

I learned that intricate movements like this require a lot of preparation beforehand, in terms where to draw the characters, the trajectory of their arms, legs, weapons or their actions in general, was really difficult.  This is not a “walk in the park” project.

I did manage to storyboard each and every single one of the scenes, but it never ended up looking like what I had in mind.

I would like to continue on with this storyline however.  I felt like it had some potential down the line as my skills in animation were to improve.  There were so many ideas where this could’ve been pushed a bit more.  I toyed with the idea whether I should’ve let her live.  As I see the finished product, there were so many things I would’ve loved to add and take out.  But since there is a deadline, I opted out of it.

I do apologize for desecrating Tchaikovsky’s classic for those who are a fan.

Week#13 Final project “Hear me out” Section1


Fixed it…

Updated version





Having issues rendering the movie.  There shouldn’t be any bits of delay.  Will try fixing it tomorrow…

Swan Lake Redux- 1st fight scene

Precedence/ #2

i watched these amazing music video a few years ago. I forgot to post them.

Super beautiful lines and characters!

oldman take 1 : opening — saiq’a

a little slow at the beginning, movements will pick up.

this is the simplest part of the whole piece, and i think it helped me a great deal to get in tune with after effects…


Precedence/Inspiration for Alfred

Week#13 Final Project Tian

Music and Insporation:


Drawing Part:




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