Though I had a lot of fun doing this final, it was really difficult.  From pre to post production.  I had no idea choreographing a piece that was a mash-up between martial arts and the ballet was going to be complicated.

I learned that intricate movements like this require a lot of preparation beforehand, in terms where to draw the characters, the trajectory of their arms, legs, weapons or their actions in general, was really difficult.  This is not a “walk in the park” project.

I did manage to storyboard each and every single one of the scenes, but it never ended up looking like what I had in mind.

I would like to continue on with this storyline however.  I felt like it had some potential down the line as my skills in animation were to improve.  There were so many ideas where this could’ve been pushed a bit more.  I toyed with the idea whether I should’ve let her live.  As I see the finished product, there were so many things I would’ve loved to add and take out.  But since there is a deadline, I opted out of it.

I do apologize for desecrating Tchaikovsky’s classic for those who are a fan.


Fixed it…

Updated version





Having issues rendering the movie.  There shouldn’t be any bits of delay.  Will try fixing it tomorrow…

Swan Lake Redux- 1st fight scene

Week #12- Swan Lake Redux

After much thought and experimenting.  I realized I’m retelling a story of something that has been retold several times.  Needless to say, after the fifth frame of my animation, it started to get really boring.

I think Alfred was right when he gave me feedback:  “Why don’t you take this and make it your own…”

Well I’m taking his advice and had come up with “Swan Lake Redux:  The Untold Story”.  As with all fairy tales, they’ve all had original stories with different occurrences.  But were re-manufactured with different endings.

For my version of Swan Lake, the antagonist Prince Karl Von Rothbart, kills his brother Prince Siegfried for the crown and placed a cursed on Prince Siegfried’s bride Princess Odette van der Schwäne.  Where she turns into a swan by day and human by night.  The princess vows to seek revenge.  An enchantress from the lake helps her.  She arms the princess with a sword and a magic shield that will protect her from Prince Karl’s magic.  HOWEVER, the princess must kill Prince Karl before sunrise or else she turns into a swan again.

A violent showdown between the princess and Prince Karl ensues.

New character besides Princess Odette from previous character sheet:

Additional precedence in terms of fighting style and sequences:


First fight scene staging:



Week #11- Character Sheet

I’m attempting to animate Swan Lake:

Character Breakdown:
– Odette:
The Swan Queen.  Who was transformed into a swan by an evil sorcerer Von Rothbart.  She turns into her human form only at night and only swan by day.
– Prince Siegfred:
  The Royal Prince.  Who falls in love with Odette during her human form.  Who vows to break the spell.

Story Concept:
Boy meets enchanted girl.  Boy hopes to break spell.  Ends in tragedy.

Type of Animation: 
Silhouette 2D

Charolotte Reiniger

Andrey Shouskov:

The Ballet:

Timeline & Storyboard:
Pending as I don’t exactly know which part of the ballet I want to animate.  They’re all so interesting, but I’m limited to only at least 1 minute.  Currently it’s a toss-up between Act 2 or finale scene.

Example: Act 2

Example 2: Swan Lake Finale


Some Inspirations for the set as a second (more modern) option:
Robert Wilson

Week #10- Talking Animation



TIME: 2 hrs

PROBLEMS: In my attempts to think-outside-the-box, I decided to be clever and get a sound bite from Paula Dean.  I her southern drawl I thought would be cool to animate.  It was actually annoying to maneuver than I previously thought.  I had to keep rearranging the frames just so they’d match with the sound.

AH HA: Wanted to add some variety so I made three characters with different voices.

IF ANIMATED AGAIN: Take more time and also animate some facial expressions (i.e. eyes, maybe add some eyebrows)…

Animation Inspiration Reels

Week #9: Animation Character/Personality Plot



Two twin brothers with two different sensibilities.  Since they’re brothers, it’s expected that they always find trouble.



TIME: 9 hrs

PROBLEMS: Deciding which characteristics from the list.  Rending to quicktime.  Uploading properly to blog.

AH HA: Making the characters into brothers just to push the plot line.  Adding the exclamation points to express dialogue.

IF ANIMATED AGAIN: Add a quirky music, pay more attention to the shadows or where the light drops, I didn’t really explore that.

Week #8 Poses: Balance

Week #8: Animation Walking Cycle

Here’s one with sound:


  1. Time: 1 day and 6 hours
  2. Problems:  Spent a lot of time rethinking my concepts, as I had a hard time coming up with a “walking” story or a plot line.  I started with a person which was boring.  I needed a story, so then I thought of an animal (horses, stags, wolves)… Then that got overwhelming.  Also  I wasn’t too crazy with the paper models I started cutting up.  Though my models looked great, the scale of my plot line was going to be huge to stage and where I am currently living could not accommodate my original concept, the lights, the camera and shoot properly.
  3. Ah Ha: Used vector images on Illustrator instead.
  4. If I animated this again I would: I’m wondering if a diorama would be better with a revolving background built on a scroll.
  5. REFLECT:  I do like paper, I just wish I had a real studio, proper equipment, a partner and a complete week to do something sublime.  But vector art worked just as well, but didn’t have the organic feel it should have.  Still need help with the sound + frame combination.

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