Final Project : Old Man of Marshmallow Drive – Saiq’a Chowdhury

“There was an old man of Marshmellow drive
In his hundred and forty-threes
He had a long beard that tripped him often
As it reached way below his knees.
He would sing and dance
Perhaps break into a prance
Every time he was happy or its ‘un’ –
And whenever he did a ring-a-ding-ding
Everyone would go into a trance.

But one day, as he songed and danced
And was not looking quite his way
His beard reached below, went under his feet
And tickled him away –
He laughed and he tripped
Cart-wheeled and flipped
And fell into a hole down the bay…

Everyone came and tried and tried
But no one could get him out
The poor old man with the long life span
Didn’t realize what the racket was about

He laughed away and sanged all day
For the long-lasting years of his life
And even today
You can hear him sing
From the hole of Marshmellow Drive.”

Character details:

I appologize about the screen size and sound quality, especially the sound because I was trying to be experimental – not sure if it’s really working/clear. haha

Week 10 — Lipsync Exercises – Saiq’a Chowdhury



Where do you think you’re going? :


I love you:


How long it took: 3 hours


This exercise proved to be an excellent one to practice pauses, which I recently noticed is a problem area for me.

I spent a little too long on figuring out how to best line up audio and video, but I think at the end I was pretty succefful. However,

Where do you think you’re going seems to stop a little too abruptly – again, this is a pausing issue. I started out with super fast animations, but then gradually got the hang of the rhythm of the words. I kept saying the words out loud over and over again in order to figure out the timing and eventually I got it.

Final Inspiration Animations – Saiq’a Chowdhury







These are chosen for various reasons, some for the style of animation, others for the amazing portrayal of emotion and progression of narrative.

Week 9 -Two objects and interaction – Saiq’a Chowdhury

Adjective pair: adventurous and timid

This is the story of  the sad demise of the Blob Left and Blob Right.

Blob Left is spontaneous, Blob Right is shy.
Blob Left wants to have fun with Ball, but Blob Right doesn’t seem to think it’s a very good idea.
Ball gets agitated and something terrible happens…

How long it took: 7 hours

AHHA moment: The ending. Initially I had  both blobs running away from the ball but then I thought death would make it more cute.

If I animated again: Definitely add some sound effects or music to elaborate on the characters. Slow down the movements a little bit at the beginning in order to make clearer personality establishments, e.g. have Blob Left’s movements slightly slower at the beginning, more observant and then transforming to excitement.

Overall, I really enjoyed making this. I’m quite happy with the time and spacing, weight and bounces – I paid a lot of close attention to these things.

walk cycle-Saiq’a

I started investigating glass and paint techniques but had to drop the plan entirely because I am suddenly having to move out of my apartment and I’m in a mess!So I thought the best way to get around to this assignment is to try my best to do a good job on the walk cycle. I am pleased with this piece, although I know it can be a lot better. The thing that bothers me about this walk is that the spaces between steps seem too large in relation to the steps. Although I tried correcting this by putting in more frames, but watching it now makes me think that it needs more frames in between. I’m thinking next time I’m going to try with vector and see how that comes out.

I tried to create a character and give it personality through its walk. I like the wobbly effect that it has. This time I didn’t draw directly on flash – I’m glad I didn’t because I think the line-weight is a lot more consistent now.



Week #8 – Walk Cycle Review & Homework

Great job in class today. Seriously, not only was it amazing because you were using a new medium, but you had nothing but your bodies to pull information from (sans mirror). Watch your animation a few more times and notice where the body positions are the strongest. Why do you think that is? Where are they the weakest? Why?

Check out all of the readings below before you start your homework.

Walk Cycle – The Mechanics of Motion

Walks – Timing

Walk Cycle – Williams & Blair

Walks of 4-Legged Creatures


Animate a walk cycle of your choosing for 10 seconds. Add some personality. Be creative. Step outside of your comfort zone and try a technique or style you normally shy away from.

week 5: pendulum – saiq’a


how long it took: 2 hours.

what i would do differently: i’m not too sure, but something is bothering me about it.


Week # 3 Stretch and squash sketches — Saiq’a


how long it took: 45 mins.


Week # 2 Animation : Mass/fall — Saiq’a

This time, I did frame by frame on flash.

And I’m noticing something that’s not supposed to happen…

The blue ball, at the last frame, freezes in’s supposed to come to a complete stop and that’s how I had it drawn in.


how long it took: 1 hour and half




hands and poses of exhaustion

how long it took: 1 hour

what i learnt: feeling a bit more in control.

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