Week #1 Animation – Saiq’a

 Uneven Spacing

 2 frame even spacing

sketches: heads & poses (excitement/aggressive excitement)

Drawing: People’s heads and various poses expressing excitement

Time: 1 hour

What I learnt: I learnt that I am extremely out of practice with my figure drawings and I couldn’t grasp the expressions as well as I could before! 😦

Week #1 Poses – Musen

Approx. 3 hours to draw.
Excitement – happy, smiling, jumping, running, raise hands, high five, thumbs-up…
I choose some key words about excitement and translate it from words to 2D sketch.

How to Complete a Pose Assignment

Every week you will be asked to draw a minimum of five poses of a person (or anthropomorphized something or other) that you believe convey the idea/emotion of the descriptive word of the week. At least one of the poses should convey the descriptive word pair of the week.

Number your poses.

On the back of the paper write:

  1.  your name
  2. the week number
  3. the descriptive word & word pair
  4. the number pose you believe  is the strongest of the bunch

Hand in prior to 9am.

Week #1 Poses by Nicolas Cinquegrani, Animation Concepts 2010 - Excitement & Aggressive Excitement

Tips For Creating Great Poses:

  • try to see the movement and energy in your subject before you start drawing. What is your subject feeling? What are they doing?
  • physically put yourself in the position. How do you feel? Where is the weight located in your body?
  • emotionally put yourself in the position. How do you feel? How does your mental state affect your posture? Your energy?
  • don’t get caught up on detail
  • think about the silhouette. Which of your poses will the audience best read if the drawing was just an outline or a blackened in shape?
  • stay loose – again, it’s about energy not detail.
  • work part to part after you’ve laid in the entire loose gesture
  • your pose should have a theatrical aspect to it
  • exaggerate the pose, push the lines of action, make the pose more dynamic and forceful
  • don’t just look. Study.
  • What makes the pose appealing? bad? confusing? strong?

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