Week#14 Final project “Hear me out”

Finally, I made it. However, the time is extremely limited, I tried my best to draw as much as I can. I finished two parts of my animation. If it is possible, I do wish I can finish the rest part of my animation next semester. What’s more, I also design a CD cover to make it has a better version effect.

Based on the discussion last week, I reworked the butterflies part, just hand drawing.

Here is the final version of my animation.

From this class, I learnt lots of things about animation and softwares. I really appreciate that Tracy and my amazing classmates give me very kind critic and suggestion. Thank you so much!!!

For my animation, Special thanks to Tracy, you give me courge to do this one(hand drawing animation)  . Thank you Eddy Liu, you made this very beautiful song and free share it with me and my classmates. Thank you Sylvia Yang, as my model to help me to record video. Thanks again.


Though I had a lot of fun doing this final, it was really difficult.  From pre to post production.  I had no idea choreographing a piece that was a mash-up between martial arts and the ballet was going to be complicated.

I learned that intricate movements like this require a lot of preparation beforehand, in terms where to draw the characters, the trajectory of their arms, legs, weapons or their actions in general, was really difficult.  This is not a “walk in the park” project.

I did manage to storyboard each and every single one of the scenes, but it never ended up looking like what I had in mind.

I would like to continue on with this storyline however.  I felt like it had some potential down the line as my skills in animation were to improve.  There were so many ideas where this could’ve been pushed a bit more.  I toyed with the idea whether I should’ve let her live.  As I see the finished product, there were so many things I would’ve loved to add and take out.  But since there is a deadline, I opted out of it.

I do apologize for desecrating Tchaikovsky’s classic for those who are a fan.

Week#13 Final project “Hear me out” Section1

Week#13 Final Project Tian

Music and Insporation:


Drawing Part:




Week #12 Final project “Hear Me Out”- Sample 1

I did some samples for watching.

Week #12- Swan Lake Redux

After much thought and experimenting.  I realized I’m retelling a story of something that has been retold several times.  Needless to say, after the fifth frame of my animation, it started to get really boring.

I think Alfred was right when he gave me feedback:  “Why don’t you take this and make it your own…”

Well I’m taking his advice and had come up with “Swan Lake Redux:  The Untold Story”.  As with all fairy tales, they’ve all had original stories with different occurrences.  But were re-manufactured with different endings.

For my version of Swan Lake, the antagonist Prince Karl Von Rothbart, kills his brother Prince Siegfried for the crown and placed a cursed on Prince Siegfried’s bride Princess Odette van der Schwäne.  Where she turns into a swan by day and human by night.  The princess vows to seek revenge.  An enchantress from the lake helps her.  She arms the princess with a sword and a magic shield that will protect her from Prince Karl’s magic.  HOWEVER, the princess must kill Prince Karl before sunrise or else she turns into a swan again.

A violent showdown between the princess and Prince Karl ensues.

New character besides Princess Odette from previous character sheet:

Additional precedence in terms of fighting style and sequences:


First fight scene staging:



Week #11 Final project “Hear Me Out”- Character Sheet by Musen


J’ai tenu à réaliser un petit montage à partir de l’inoubliable et bouleversant Love story qui ne manque jamais de me faire déborder le coeur… juste sublime. L’amour, c’est n’avoir jamais à dire qu’on est désolé.

I wanted to do a little animation about a unforgettable and deeply love story that never fails to make me broke the heart …just sublime. Love means never having to say you’re sorry.


Recently, I just suffered by love hurts. This animation is about my story. From my opinion, love is sweet, but sometime, you should suffer hurts and other things that you never expected. Hence, in the beginning the animation is treacly and  sweet. With the seasons are changing(autumn to winter), the emotion becomes more sadness and sorrowful. After winter, the story back to sweet in next spring(I do hope so…). Sometimes in my tears I drown, but I never let it get me down. so when negativity surrounds. I know some day it’ll all turn around.

What’s more, I want to compose a new song as my animation background music. Hence, I ask my friend to compose a song for me. We discussed the song last weekend. This is the sample of the song. I love this song! Happy and sort of sad.

I analyse this song quickly…

electronic organ – high hat – drum beat – piano – the change of the key on the piano – stringed instrument music – piano solo – end



The girl eats the butterfly means “butterfly in my stomach”

The three paths means the three different results of our relationship.


2D hand drawing

some sketches about my animation

I drew this illustration few months ago. I want to finish my animation like this type.^^

Week #11- Character Sheet

I’m attempting to animate Swan Lake:

Character Breakdown:
– Odette:
The Swan Queen.  Who was transformed into a swan by an evil sorcerer Von Rothbart.  She turns into her human form only at night and only swan by day.
– Prince Siegfred:
  The Royal Prince.  Who falls in love with Odette during her human form.  Who vows to break the spell.

Story Concept:
Boy meets enchanted girl.  Boy hopes to break spell.  Ends in tragedy.

Type of Animation: 
Silhouette 2D

Charolotte Reiniger

Andrey Shouskov:

The Ballet:

Timeline & Storyboard:
Pending as I don’t exactly know which part of the ballet I want to animate.  They’re all so interesting, but I’m limited to only at least 1 minute.  Currently it’s a toss-up between Act 2 or finale scene.

Example: Act 2

Example 2: Swan Lake Finale


Some Inspirations for the set as a second (more modern) option:
Robert Wilson

Final Project Info

Create an animation in the style of your choosing. Your film should clearly illustrate that you have a firm grasp on the principles of animation and stylized acting. You have 5 weeks to complete your final.

Download the KeyNote Breakdown of Final shown in class.

Come prepared to share your idea(s) in peer to peer and individual meetings next week via:

Week #10 Animation – Voice test

I draw two animations – HELLO AND I LOVE U.

At the beginning, I draw a girl as a character. I want to use color to finish my animation and make it looks like MTV maybe. However, when I did half of the animation, I found that there is something wrong with the lips. So I change my character.

I draw myself to animate it.

When I animated “what do you think you are going”, I found the lips changed the shape very quickly. I tried to record it to animation.

This is my animation:

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