Precedence/ #2

i watched these amazing music video a few years ago. I forgot to post them.

Super beautiful lines and characters!

Precedence/Inspiration for Alfred

Precedence for Finals

Below are some animations I mentioned to specific people as inspiration and precedence for their final films. Feel free to check them out.





watch the whole film here @



Inspiring Animations

Mindscape by Jacques Drouin, 1976 - pinscreen technique

Mindscape (at by Jacques Drouin, 1976, Pinscreen technique

Hungu (at by Nicolas Brault, 2008

Walking (at by Ryan Larkin, 1968

Strings (at by Wendy Tilby, 1991 paint on glass & stop motion

The Cat Came Back (at by  Cordell Barker, 1988

Ben Riley: Animation Inspirations

Final project inspiring animation – Musen

16bit – Dinosaurs (Official Video)

Blockhead – The Music Scene

Jeez Louise – Secret Skwirl

Thought of you by Ryan Woodward

Lavatory – Lovestory 2007 – Oscar 2009 Animated Short Film

to be continued…

Animation Inspiration Reels

Week #9 Recap & Homework

Use the exercise we did in class to aid you in creating a powerful scene for this week’s homework:

Create a 10 second animation wherein two characters that look exactly the same react oppositely to a ball. Download the handout for further details.

  1. Determine the Universal Truth
  2. Draw your character
  3. Write the name, age, and physical description of your character
  4. Think of a scene this character is in where the universal truth from #1  is apparent. Are there other people there? Is your character alone? What does the setting look like? What time of day is it? What is being said in the scene? What is the character or characters physical doing in the scene?
  5. Determine your character’s goal and motivation for the scene. What they hope to accomplish by the end of the scene? What makes them strive to reach their goal even if an obstacle is in the way?
  6. What is the biggest obstacle your character faces in the scene? What is preventing them from reaching their goal? How does the character feel about their actions?
  7. Return to the scene. Rework the scene so that your character’s goal, motivations, feelings, and the obstacles are reflected.
  8. Add a power shift.  Do goals change? Motivations? Obstacles? Feelings about their actions?

For inspiration, observe the following scenes

While watching, ask yourself:

  • What is the obstacle/conflict? In other words, what is being negotiated?
  • With whom or what is the negotiation taking place? (with him/herself, with another character, with the situation)
  • Who has the higher status at the start of the scene? Does the status remain the same or does it switch?
  • How do the characters feel about what they are doing? What physical movements and expressions demonstrate this?
  • What is the universal truth (aka general principle, theme) the scene is portraying?
  • How is it portrayed specifically in the scene?
  • What is the specific moment that hits you over the head with emotion?
When the Day Breaks (better quality at by Amanda Forbis & Wendy Tilby, 1999, pencil and paint on photocopies
Madame Tutli-Putli (better quality at by Chris Lavis & Maciek Szczerbowski, 2007, stop-motion & live action blend.

Week #8 – Walk Cycle Review & Homework

Great job in class today. Seriously, not only was it amazing because you were using a new medium, but you had nothing but your bodies to pull information from (sans mirror). Watch your animation a few more times and notice where the body positions are the strongest. Why do you think that is? Where are they the weakest? Why?

Check out all of the readings below before you start your homework.

Walk Cycle – The Mechanics of Motion

Walks – Timing

Walk Cycle – Williams & Blair

Walks of 4-Legged Creatures


Animate a walk cycle of your choosing for 10 seconds. Add some personality. Be creative. Step outside of your comfort zone and try a technique or style you normally shy away from.

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