Ben Riley: Week 10 Homework

1. Assignment: Lip-syncing.

2. Total time to record and animate: 3 1/2 hours

3. Difficulties encountered: “Where do you think you’re going?” was delivered very fast, which is good characterization, but made keeping up with the sound shifts a bit difficult when animating on twos. “I love you” was just kind of a mess in general.

4. Aha moment: When I realized that I could use the gaps between the lines to continue to characterize the speaker through facial cues, rather than just having him sit there slack-jawed until he had something new to say.

Week #10 Animation – Voice test

I draw two animations – HELLO AND I LOVE U.

At the beginning, I draw a girl as a character. I want to use color to finish my animation and make it looks like MTV maybe. However, when I did half of the animation, I found that there is something wrong with the lips. So I change my character.

I draw myself to animate it.

When I animated “what do you think you are going”, I found the lips changed the shape very quickly. I tried to record it to animation.

This is my animation:

Week #10 Animation – Sandy Yoon

  • 5 Animation Inspirations
    1. Thought of You, Ryan J Woodward
    2. The Music Scene, Anthony Francisco Schepperd
    3. Cat-Man-Do, Simon’s Cat
    4. Apache, oneedo
    5. Du monde tout autour, Louise Attaque
  • Animation HW 10
    1. Lip Sync
    2. Approx 5 hrs to animate / process
    3. Problems
      • Timing, and clarity with speaking voice. It was easier to animate singing.
      • I couldn’t find a good clip for “Where do you think you’re going,” so I just found one that was similar.
    4. Ah Ha
      • Timing the large movements first
      • The handouts really helped.
    5. If I animated this again I would:
      • Find voice clips that feature more contrast in mouth shapes
    6. REFLECT: What worked? What didn’t? What would you change next time?
      • I think the lyrics were easier to animate, and the contrast in mouth shapes helped convey the syllables. The quote from Anchorman was too subtle to really exaggerate and emphasize.

    Week#10 Final Inspiration and Animation Talking Tian

    Final Inspiration: Animation/film mush-up.
    1,Peanut Theater
    2, Kill Bill Animated Title Sequence
    3, Kill Bill The Memory Part (REALLY VIOLENCE AND BLOODY)
    4, Micheal Jordan & Bugs Bunny
    5, Garfield
    • Assignment: Talking
    • Time: Approx. 3.5hrs
    • Problems encountered:  It is hard to keep all the sizes and shapes of lips look same by hand drawing.
    • Ah ha moment: Interesting to see myself in a video.
    • If I animated this again I would: I will try to use other software to make a better shape/ appearance of the character.

    Week #10- Talking Animation



    TIME: 2 hrs

    PROBLEMS: In my attempts to think-outside-the-box, I decided to be clever and get a sound bite from Paula Dean.  I her southern drawl I thought would be cool to animate.  It was actually annoying to maneuver than I previously thought.  I had to keep rearranging the frames just so they’d match with the sound.

    AH HA: Wanted to add some variety so I made three characters with different voices.

    IF ANIMATED AGAIN: Take more time and also animate some facial expressions (i.e. eyes, maybe add some eyebrows)…

    Animation Inspiration Reels

    Week 10 — Lipsync Exercises – Saiq’a Chowdhury



    Where do you think you’re going? :


    I love you:


    How long it took: 3 hours


    This exercise proved to be an excellent one to practice pauses, which I recently noticed is a problem area for me.

    I spent a little too long on figuring out how to best line up audio and video, but I think at the end I was pretty succefful. However,

    Where do you think you’re going seems to stop a little too abruptly – again, this is a pausing issue. I started out with super fast animations, but then gradually got the hang of the rhythm of the words. I kept saying the words out loud over and over again in order to figure out the timing and eventually I got it.

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