Ben Riley – Final

A two minute animation? What was I thinking? In the end, I realize that I probably bit off way more than I could chew here– it would have been much better to make a really good 30-45 second animation (say, starting off when the envoys enter the tent). Even given this horrible miscalculation, animating it in chronological order on top of that just compounded it, since the last scene– the one that’s the most important thing to happen in the entire animation– was the one animated under the most severe time crunch.

I still kind of enjoy the sassy narration text, even if it didn’t really go over that well at the crit. If the animation itself had been better, it probably could have supported it. Spoken narration would have probably worked even better, but I feel like this animation would have to be narrated by a sixtysomething British guy for the full effect.

Final Animation – Sandy Yoon

Lunchsense Presents

Live, Love, Lunch: An Office Love Story

I struggled in the beginning with the narrative of this spot. The lighthearted, playful tone of the piece is hopefully conveyed through the motion and character design, in efforts to promote the product in a cheerful and positive light.

Thank you everyone and Tracy! I thoroughly enjoyed the class and learned a lot about the principles of animation. Best of luck to everyone~

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