Ben Riley: Week #4 Drawing

1. Assignment: Draw Heads

2. Drawing Time: 30 min.

3. Wow, most of these don’t match very well at all. As I drew them, I felt like I had an intuitive feel for the way the face is being pushed or pulled, but for most of the heads, I didn’t match the curve of the jowl line in the original drawings very well, which threw off most of the rest of the drawing. I also had some problems with facial features like eyes or ears being proportioned incorrectly, but most of the mistakes emanate from that crucial jowl line.

Week #4 Animation Tian

  • Assignment: pendulum moving
  • Time: Approx. 40 mins to story board, 1.5 hrs to draw pictures , 4 hrs to do post production.
  • Problems encountered:  Hard to control the correct spacing and timing as the ball may move too fast.
  • Ah ha moment: I really like the spring
  • If I animated this again I would: Get slow down and calculate the timing and spacing again.
Story board:

Week #4 Poses Tian

  • Assignment:  Concerned Poses
  • Approx. 1 hour to draw.
  • Concerned– Thinking, worrying, Helping, taking care, Focusing on something.

Week #4 Drawing Tian

  • Assignment: Drag Heads
  • Time: Approx. 2 hrs to draw/ Approx. 0.5 hr to process (scan, compare, upload )
  • What I Discovered In this Exercise: It is hard to catch the right positions of facial features. And also the outline.

Week 4 Animation: Pendulum

1. Assignment: Moving Pendulum

2. Time to Animate: Somehow, four hours, but I didn’t notice as I was in an animation fuge state.

3. Challenges Encountered: Having the crossbar squash when it stopped was harder to animate than I thought, since squashing a rectangle is harder than squashing a ball. It still looks kind of strange, not quite getting the elastic

4. Ah Ha Moment: “What if the pendulum… exploded????”

5. If I could animate it again: In retrospect, the pendulum ball, although it was a rigid metal bomb without much give to it, should have bounced a tiny bit when it hit the ground. I was too busy keeping track of the fuse to realize that, though.

I draw story board to help me to think about the animation.

  1. Assignment – animate a pendulum moving through space to highlight overlap and follow through
  2. Time to Animate – Approx 1.5 hrs to draw and thinking ,  30min to make animation
  3. Problems encountered – It’s tough to think about the shape of balls.
  4. Ah ha moment – I design a stop pose.
  5. If I animated this again I would – I’d love to making to poses of balls look better.
Here is animation.

Week #4 Poses – Musen

Approx. 15min to draw.
From my perspective, i consider concern is action and reaction. There should be more than one persons to express concern. Hence, I draw 4 scenario. 

Week#4 Drawing – Musen

  1. Assignment – draw heads
  2. Time to Draw – Approx. 20min to draw, 10min to compare with original sketch.




Week #4 Drawing – Sandy Yoon

  1. Drag Heads
  2. Approx. 0.6 hr to draw / redraw, 0.5 hr to process ( scan, overlay, upload )
  3. What I Discovered In this Exercise

Dog ears are hard. All of them in my drawings are not right. I am always close, but never really close…but I think I am getting slowly better.

Week #4 Poses – Sandy Yoon

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