Ben Riley Week 6 Drawing


Assignment: Bird Flight Cycle

Time: Approx. 1 hour to draw

Comparison: As is evident from the comparison image, I had a very hard time with the relative position and size of the wings. I think that this is because in the original, the wings are really lightly, loosely drawn, which made their exact construction hard to copy. The head is also wonky in a few of these.

Week #6 Animation Tian

  • Assignment: Beats
  • Time: Approx. 40 mins to story board, 3 hrs to draw pictures , 3 hrs to do post production.

Week #6 Drawing Tian

  • Assignment: Flight of Birds
  • Time: Approx. 1.5 hr to draw/ Approx. 0.5 hr to process (scan, compare, upload )
  • What I Discovered In this Exercise:

Ben Riley Week 6 Animation

1. Animation to Music

2. Time to Animate: 5 hours (including time wasted on a very simple problem with my audio file)

3. Problems: In general, I had a much easier time reading the music than I did in class last week, but the quieter beat that comes in near the end was hard to keep track of. I also made a few spurious marks on my timing sheet that, upon listening to the clip again, didn’t correspond to any unique sounds.

4. Ah Ha moment: It actually synced up to the sound! That was cool.

5. If I could do it again: I chose this fireworks concept on the basis that it’d be something simple to animate after the tough work of reading the music was taken care of. But the reading was a lot easier than I assumed it’d be, so the animation could have been something more complex, with actual physics to it.

Week #6: Drawing Exercises


Problems I have encountered have always been the inconsistency.  From the wing span to the size of the head + beak are all off.  I don’t even think my own series are consistent in shape.

Week #6 Animation – Sandy Yoon

  1. Animation to Music
  2. Approx 6 hrs to animate
  3. Problems
    • I want to try using a wacom next week to get a more fluid, hand-drawn animation look and feel.
  4. Ah Ha
    • Animating masks in AE
  5. If I animated this again I would:
    • Add more curves and arcs
  6. REFLECT: What worked? What didn’t? What would you change next time?
    • For me, animating to music helps to drive the action / narrative. I think this week the movement synced well to the music, but I would have liked to have even more oomph in the character.

Storyboard HW6

Animation HW6 from sandy on Vimeo.

Week #6 Drawing – Sandy Yoon

  1. Flight of Birds
  2. Approx. 0.6 hr to draw / redraw, 0.5 hr to process ( scan, overlay, upload )
  3. What I Discovered In this Exercise

I should have been more attentive to the individual feathers of the bird’s wings and tail, I think the body and the head were more or less in place, but the details were not aligned.

Drawing HW6

Week #6 Animation – Musen


  1. Assignment – animation to music.
  2. Time to Animate – 2h to pick and read the music, 20 mins to story board, 3h to drawing, approx 30 mins to animate.
  3. Problems encountered – match the sound is still tough. What’s more, I got trouble in reading music. Even though I used Adobe Audition, I still can figure out the composition and structure of music.
  4. If I animated this again I would – try more different poses and effects in my animation.
Song: London in the rain by Variety Lab

Week #6 Drawing – Musen

  1. Assignment – draw the flight of bird
  2. Time to Draw – Approx. 25

Week #6: Animation to Sound (To The Beat)

1) Time: 7 hours (from editing sound, molding clay, adjusting mouth + expressions, shooting, experimenting with flash vs after effects)

2) Problems:  This was my first working with this medium, so I just jumped in not knowing what to expect or do.  The mouths weren’t pronouncing or enunciating the lyrics properly.  So nothing was in sync…  I don’t really know how to use After Effects, which would’ve been more appropriate than Flash for this scope.  But I had given up and ended up using After Effects instead.

3) Ah Ha:  Used Premiere to edit sound and figure out the soundwaves while using Flash.

4) If Animated Again: Add more facial expressions because it wasn’t really clear.  I’d pay more close attention to the enunciation of the words + mouth movements, visually, it makes a lot of difference.  Learn After Affects, ASAP.

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