Ben Riley Week 7 Animation

1. Assignment: An animation which includes something we feel we need to work on- in my case, animating an on-model character.

2. Approximately 2 hours, 45 minutes to animate.

3. Problems: Even though I had a very simple character design, it was still more complicated than anything else I’ve animated– balls, pendulums, balls with squirrel tails, etc. I did a better job keeping her on model than I did with the squirrel ball, but she still fluctuates a bit in size in proportions. Flash was also very testy about exporting this properly, but I got it in the end.

4. Ah ha: Watching the animation, and seeing that I’d actually managed to convey a character with at least some sense of weight and motion, and not just a moving, fluctuating blobby thing like I was afraid I’d get.

5. If I could animate this again: I would have worked more on the last part, with the spaceship. The idea would come across better if the ship moved slower, hovering rather than zipping around.

6. REFLECT: While my character design was still basically just a ball with an eye and very simple hair, a trapezoid, and two little stubby feet, it was still more involved than any other element I’ve animated so far. I can see plenty of problems, but I feel like this was a real step forward for me.

Week #7 Animation – Dinosaurs Fight by Musen

music from A View to a Kill by Duran Duran

Week #7: Poses

Week #7 Poses – Sandy Yoon

Poses HW7

Week #7 Animation – Sandy Yoon

  1. 5 sec animation
  2. Approx 4 hrs to animate
  3. Problems
    • Getting used to using my brand new tablet. Harder than I expected!
  4. Ah Ha
    • It was helpful to read the music using premiere, and matching the action to the exact frames.
  5. If I animated this again I would:
    • Exaggerate the characters’ actions even more.
  6. REFLECT: What worked? What didn’t? What would you change next time?
    • The music once again really drove the narrative of this animation. I specifically chose a pre-made short clip that was very mysterious and easy to interpret.

Storyboard HW7

Animation HW7 from sandy on Vimeo.

Week #7: Animation Pavarotti Continued


  1. Time: 6 hrs
  2. Problems:  The mouths didn’t match the lyrics even though I know Italian, I didn’t really know how to reflect the proper enunciation for each “ee” “ooo” and “aaaaa”.  That was really hard.  It would feel a lot more fluid.
  3. Ah Ha: I discovered Premiere is better for this than Flash.
  4. If I animated this again I would: I need a proper sit down to go through the time sheet again.  Pay more attention with the mouth movements when shooting.
  5. REFLECT:  I had a great time animating the first half of this the first time, but as I got really into the chorus, I didn’t imagine I would have this much problems.  This was really hard, I think I bit off more than I could chew.  Also I just dove into Premiere without having used this program in depth before.

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